If you and your partner have a good and solid relationship and share common goals to achieve, you might just be a great fit for the Domestic Couples position! Besides working closely together with the one you love, these positions are also known to deepen the bond and relationship between couples.
Seeing couples work together in the same company or organization as co-workers is nothing out of the ordinary, but in this post we are going to discuss positions that are offered to couples together where they are expected to be working as a unit.
Working as a Couple
Creating and working in a progressive and conducive work environment as couples can only be achieved if there is an open communication strategy. As the saying goes: ''communication is key''. It is important for both parties in the couples role to ask and align what their goals and aspirations are. E.g.: Would you two like to travel / relocate if the opportunity allows it? Would you prefer to live-in or live-out with a principle? Do you prefer the more formal or informal role? and so on and so forth.
It is quite unusual to find couples that have exact matching qualities, so discovering and utilizing each others strength and weaknesses is a huge help when searching and applying for positions! Some domestic couples have complementary skill sets that prove to be a big advantage when the principle compares them to having to hire individuals for these roles.
One thing we did notice in talking to clients, in almost all cases clients don't even think about domestic couples as an option when hiring. They seem to have an idea in mind that positions can / should only be filled by individual people. This is why every time a client of ours is looking to staff more than 1 position, we always bring up the possibility to hire a domestic couple as potential benefits can be much better!
Domestic Couples usually have the advantage of already having a proven record of working together over the years, meaning a flawless integration into the estate is almost certain. While they also always tend to be very diverse and flexible in regards to what roles they can take on. Furthermore, their communication is already on point in terms of what they can ask and expect from each other.
To see an example of a Domestic Couples role we have staffed in the past, and what a job description for such a role looks like:
